Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fat facts

Despite people's claims, Fat is essential, and serves a useful purpose. Fat is part of our brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Fat also helps protect organs from injury, and acts as insulation during for the cold. People who try the Atkins diet may loose much needed fat in the brain. This explains why peopel who do that particular diet may encounter problems with memory and concentration. The average man in his early to mid 20’s has approximately 15% body fat while women of the same age have 27% percent body fat. Women tend keep on more fat then men do. “Sorry ladies, it’s a fact of life.” Although these are considered the normal amounts for body fat, many people believe themselves to overweight. This is unfortunate do to the fact that the media is responsible for telling us that we are fat and overweight. The media and cooperations do this to make people go out and spend large amounts of money on supplements and other products that people don’t really need. To lose fat, one simply has to create a calorie deficit. This can be done by eating less, exercise, or a combination of the two.

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