Saturday, March 6, 2010

Salad myth

It's salad. It is very healthy and there is nothing bad about it. Yeah right. And my hair loss is just temporary!

We all think a salad is extremely healthy, and low in calories. Well the fact of the matter is this. Salad can be just as bad if not worse than a cheeseburger.
Most people make their salads with just iceberg lettuce, and maybe put in a small amount of one vegetable. Then, they top it with cheese, bacon bits, and thick dressing. Well iceberg lettuce has next to no calories, and next to no nutritional value. And all that added junk packs on the calories.


3 oz cup of iceberg lettuce- 12 calories
1 oz of cheese 117 calories 10 grams of fat 5grams saturated
1 oz of bacon bits 100 calories 6 grams of fat 2 grams saturated
1 oz or 2 tbsp ranch 148 calories 16 grams fat 2 grams saturated
3 oz fried chicken strips 213 calories 12 grams fat 3 grams saturated

A grand total of 590 calories, 44 grams of fat, 12 grams saturated.

Now does that sound like a healthy salad? Not really enough to fill an average person’s stomach. Not to mention no good nutrients or protein. Well at least the salad is low carb????????

A better choice would be a mixture of nutrient rich spinach, romaine, and green leaf. Add tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, broccoli, and any other type of vegetables. The more the merrier. The added nutrients are great for you. Use light dressing, or a splash of olive or grape seed oil. Low fat cheese if you must, with grilled chicken or salmon. If you only fatty dressing is available, have a small amount in a side dish and just dip your fork in the dressing before you dig into the salad. These few tips alone will save hundreds of calories and over half the fat.

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